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Alexandra "Alex" Nave image

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More about Alex Nave

"The light that shines the farthest shines from Home." This is one of my Mom's favorite quotes and I have heard it many times over the years. To me, Home is the image of my parents' white house with green shutters on Jackrabbit Drive in Billings, Montana, the home that my parents built when I was a small child and where I made so many happy memories. Even after I married and moved out East, going Home was a balm to my spirit and brought me joy. Eventually I had children and they too love Grampy and Grammy's home as much as I do. As homes go, it is considered a small home and not so very fancy, but oh so cozy and welcoming set on their acre of land, a little slice of Heaven to all the grandkids and to us grown kids who still love coming Home. There have been many updates over the years-- there are now two bathrooms rather than one, (thank goodness for small mercies!), the trees and hedges have grown beautifully and provide much shelter and shade, the garden has gotten somewhat smaller, the sun room and big front porch added on, the wood burning fireplace now gas, and various updates to the kitchen although Mom still refuses to get a dishwasher.

As a real estate agent for Coldwell Banker, I value the concept of home and what it means to people and I understand the joy as well as the stress that buying or selling a home can bring. To buy a home is usually exciting, especially if it is a first home. I am here to share in that joy and excitement and I will work hard to help you find a place you can call home. Leaving a home to upsize or downsize or for various reasons that life brings often is accompanied with mixed emotions, and I am here to help guide you through that process as well. Everyone has a story and a different life experience, and I look forward to understanding your needs and helping you with your real estate goals.