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- Townhouse
- Active
- MLS # RPLU-33423172450
- 5Beds
- 4Full Baths
- 1Partial Bath
- 5Total Baths
- Apartment
- Pending
- MLS # RPLU-5123167414
- 2Beds
- 1Full Bath
- 1Total Bath
- 1,000Sq. Ft.
- Apartment
- Active
- MLS # RPLU-33423184703
- 2Beds
- 1Full Bath
- 1Total Bath
- 1,040Sq. Ft.
- Townhouse
- Pending
- MLS # RPLU-1032523173420
- 4Beds
- 2Full Baths
- 2Total Baths
- 1,780Sq. Ft.
- Single Family
- Active
- MLS # L3574230
- 7Beds
- 3Full Baths
- 1Partial Bath
- 4Total Baths
- Apartment
- Pending
- MLS # COMP-1648077693107679209
- 1Bed
- 1Full Bath
- 1Total Bath
- Apartment
- Active
- MLS # RPLU-1559923205395
- 2Beds
- 2Full Baths
- 2Total Baths
- Apartment
- Pending
- MLS # RPLU-1559923205393
- 2Beds
- 1Full Bath
- 1Total Bath
- Apartment
- Active
- MLS # RPLU-1559923205394
- 1Bed
- 1Full Bath
- 1Total Bath
- Apartment
- Pending
- MLS # OLRS-1776162
- 1Full Bath
- 1Total Bath
- Co-op
- Pending
- MLS # L3572024
- 1Bed
- 1Full Bath
- 1Total Bath
- Co-op
- Pending
- MLS # L3571815
- 2Beds
- 2Full Baths
- 2Total Baths
- Apartment
- Active
- MLS # RPLU-33423112169
- 3Beds
- 2Full Baths
- 2Total Baths
- 1,042Sq. Ft.
- Apartment
- Active
- MLS # RPLU-33423111585
- Updated 6 days ago
- 1Bed
- 1Full Bath
- 1Total Bath
- 578Sq. Ft.
- Multi-Family
- Pending
- MLS # L3570466
- 2Total Beds
- 2Total Baths
- Apartment
- Pending
- MLS # RPLU-33423111839
- Updated 1 day ago
- 1Bed
- 1Full Bath
- 1Total Bath
- 584Sq. Ft.
- Apartment
- Active
- MLS # RPLU-33423111733
- Updated 6 days ago
- 1Bed
- 1Full Bath
- 1Total Bath
- 580Sq. Ft.
- Multi-Family
- Active
- MLS # L3568581
- 7Total Beds
- 4Total Baths
- Multi-Family
- Pending
- MLS # L3568439
- 8Total Beds
- 4Total Baths
- Single Family
- Active
- MLS # H6320048
- Updated 12 days ago
- 5Beds
- 2Full Baths
- 2Partial Baths
- 4Total Baths
- 1Car Garage
- Multi-Family
- Pending
- MLS # OLRS-0096875
- 2Total Beds
- 1Total Bath
- Co-op
- Pending
- MLS # L3566684
- 3Beds
- 1Full Bath
- 1Total Bath
- Co-op
- Pending
- MLS # L3564350
- Updated 13 days ago
- 1Full Bath
- 1Total Bath
- Multi-Family
- Active
- MLS # L3565578
- Updated 13 days ago
- 6Total Beds
- 4Total Baths
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