Sales Associate
- Phone
(617) 549-6481 mobile
(617) 731-2447 office
(617) 549-6481 direct
(617) 969-7912 fax
Exceptionally skilled and wonderful to work with...
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Accredited Buyer Representative (ABR), Certified E-Marketing Specialist (CMS), Certified New Homes Specialist (CNHS), Certified Rental Agent (CRA), Distinctive Properties Specialist (DPS), Historian Specialist (HS), Luxury Property Specialist (Luxury Specialist)
More about Elaine Kateman
Business Philosophy
As a highly seasoned and skilled realtor, my objective is to offer the highest level of personalized service, tailored to the unique needs of your property and personal objectives and to ensure a smooth and stress-free process. In that regard, I work directly with my clients to ensure quality and accuracy in each encounter with potential buyers. I distinguish myself by the quality of the service and range of skills I offer to each client whether you are seeking to sell or to buy
Community Involvement
- Board Member, Newton Historic Society
- Former Board of Directors Member, Beth Israel Deaconness Medical Center Friends
- Supporting patron of the Boston Symphony Orchestra
- Supporting patron of the Museum of Fine Arts and WGBH
- Friends of Brigham and Women's Hospital
- Supporting Member of The Center for Arts in Natick (TCAN)
- Supporting patron of The Celebrity Series in Boston
- Supporting patron of Handel and Haydn Society
Brookline - Newton - Chestnut Hill Regional Office
27 Boylston St Ste. 310, Chestnut HIll, MA 02467-4808
(617) 731-2447