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- Single Family
- Active
- MLS # 12195204
- Updated 3 days ago
- 4Beds
- 2Full Baths
- 2Total Baths
- 2,025Sq. Ft.
- 2Car Garage
- Condo
- Active
- MLS # 12182193
- 3Beds
- 3Full Baths
- 3Total Baths
- 1,789Sq. Ft.
- Condo
- Pending
- MLS # 12194422
- Updated 7 days ago
- 2Beds
- 2Full Baths
- 2Total Baths
- Condo
- Active
- MLS # 12192912
- 3Beds
- 2Full Baths
- 1Partial Bath
- 3Total Baths
- 1,300Sq. Ft.
- Townhouse
- Contingent
- MLS # 12193394
- 3Beds
- 1Full Bath
- 1Total Bath
- Multi-Family
- Active
- MLS # 12192779
- 4Total Beds
- 4Total Baths
- 2Car Garage
- Condo
- Active
- MLS # 12191807
- 3Beds
- 2Full Baths
- 2Total Baths
- Single Family
- Active
- MLS # 12191222
- 4Beds
- 2Full Baths
- 1Partial Bath
- 3Total Baths
- 2,929Sq. Ft.
- Condo
- Active
- MLS # 12181987
- 3Beds
- 1Full Bath
- 1Total Bath
- 1,200Sq. Ft.
- 1Car Garage
- Single Family
- Coming Soon
- MLS # 12186943
- 5Beds
- 4Full Baths
- 4Total Baths
- 3,800Sq. Ft.
- 2Car Garage
- Single Family
- Active
- MLS # 12185018
- Updated 7 days ago
- 3Beds
- 3Full Baths
- 1Partial Bath
- 4Total Baths
- 2,254Sq. Ft.
- 2Car Garage
- Single Family
- Active
- MLS # 12181946
- 2Beds
- 1Full Bath
- 1Total Bath
- 1,012Sq. Ft.
- Multi-Family
- Active
- MLS # 12179749
- 6Total Beds
- 6Total Baths
- 1Car Garage
- Condo / Townhouse
- Active
- MLS # 12178588
- Updated 3 days ago
- 3Beds
- 3Full Baths
- 3Total Baths
- 2,300Sq. Ft.
- Multi-Family
- Pending
- MLS # 12178214
- Updated 9 days ago
- 16Total Beds
- 8Total Baths
- 2Car Garage
- Multi-Family
- Active
- MLS # 12175451
- 5Total Beds
- 4Total Baths
- 2Car Garage
- Single Family
- Active
- MLS # 12170330
- 4Beds
- 2Full Baths
- 2Total Baths
- 2,310Sq. Ft.
- Single Family
- Contingent
- MLS # 12166645
- 5Beds
- 3Full Baths
- 1Partial Bath
- 4Total Baths
- 4,500Sq. Ft.
- 2Car Garage
- Multi-Family
- Active
- MLS # 12170412
- 12Total Beds
- 6Total Baths
- Single Family
- Active
- MLS # 12167176
- 5Beds
- 4Full Baths
- 1Partial Bath
- 5Total Baths
- 4,000Sq. Ft.
- 2.5Car Garage
- Single Family
- Active
- MLS # 12165004
- 4Beds
- 3Full Baths
- 1Partial Bath
- 4Total Baths
- 2,900Sq. Ft.
- 2Car Garage
- Townhouse
- Pending
- MLS # 12162198
- Updated 3 days ago
- 4Beds
- 1Full Bath
- 1Partial Bath
- 2Total Baths
- 3,000Sq. Ft.
- 2.5Car Garage
- Condo
- Active
- MLS # 11953025
- 3Beds
- 2Full Baths
- 2Total Baths
- 1Car Garage
- Townhouse
- Contingent
- MLS # 12153653
- 3Beds
- 2Full Baths
- 1Partial Bath
- 3Total Baths
- 2,300Sq. Ft.
- 2Car Garage
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