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NMLS#: 1598647

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More about Kassandra Shimotsu

Business Philosophy

My business philosophy is purely this: to treat my client the way I would want to be treated.  I take representing a client, whether a buyer or seller, very seriously and find joy and fulfillment in knowing that I've done everything in my power to do what is right for them.  To me, it's not about a sale, it's about taking the time and working hard to do what is best for my client.  I seek to empower my clients with solid communication, information and a wealth of knowledge in the real estate and construction fields that will help give my clients as much information as they can to make a wise decision as they seek to purchase or sell a home.

Areas of Expertise

My area of expertise is my extensive knowledge of homes, how they are built and function, and having a good understanding of many areas and housing markets of the Twin Cities and surrounding suburbs.  I have been in real estate and construction since 2014, and find my construction background has been instrumental in allowing me to look at houses and their benefits and deficiencies with a trained eye, as well as having connections in the construction field to allow for better negotiations on behalf of my clients.  I am also backed by the Al Theisen Team, which is headed up by Al Theisen, one of the top agents in Minneapolis, with over 20 years of experience.

Community Involvement

I am one of the founding members of New City of Nations Church in Minneapolis/St. Paul. As a church, we strive to follow what the bible teaches in James 1:27 - "Religion that is pure and undefiled before God, the Father, is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction," and 1 Corinthians 13 - "Love is patient and kind. Love is not jealous or boastful or proud or rude. It does not demand its own way. It is not irritable, and it keeps no record of being wronged. It does not rejoice about injustice but rejoices whenever the truth wins out. Love never gives up, never loses faith, is always hopeful, and endures through every circumstance."

I seek to understand people better and use my abilities to bless people in any way I can.  I love to give a helping hand and am learning more about empathy and setting aside my assumptions to better assist people.  I have been a supporter of Small Sums ( for many years and I am also a big proponent of adopting and not shopping for pets.  In conjunction with my dear friends, Katy and Derek from KJB Homes, we have been able to support Safe Hands Rescue ( and Leech Lake Legacy ( for many years.  It's a good reminder that there are many people seeking to do good in this world!

Personal Background

I grew up in Cokato, Minnesota and worked at my family's small flooring/cabinetry shop for 8 years and learned so much about hard work, appreciating the value of the people you are helping and good old fashioned small town customer service. After moving to Minneapolis, I started working in accounting at the Minikahda Club. My boss was a savvy woman, who taught me so much about detailed work, immediate follow through and nailing down good processes.  I am also a small entrepreneur of sorts, starting my own photography business when I was 19. Through that, I learned how to walk people through the crazy process of getting married, drawing up schedules, meeting with clients and making sure everything went off without a hitch on the big day.  In 2014, I got my real estate license and my general contractor's license.  Nothing could have prepared me for the challenges and joys of being in the construction industry.  I've come to appreciate many walks of life and how they all contribute to making our world go around.  I also appreciate the knowledge and relationships I've gained over the years and dozens of homes that I've helped remodel and build.

Communities I Serve

I've lived in Minneapolis since 2009, and have specialized in construction in South and SW Minneapolis.  But over the years, I've come to know and appreciate many neighborhoods and surrounding suburbs.  I've helped clients as far south as Apple Valley, as far north as Andover, as far East as Lake Elmo and as far west as Medina.